9 Witteklip Street, Vredenburg, West Coast, 7380

Shemone: +27 (0)73 395 8341

There is no greater feeling than being


– Dr Stanley Greenspan

About Us

Dagbreek Centre for Autism, where early intervention and behavioural education in a safe and inclusive space are the focus for children on the spectrum and their families.

“Autism is my superpower, what’s yours?” – Alexa Lauenburger

Our Facilities

Reading Lounge

Outside Play Area

Therapy Room

Outside Therapy Space

Toy Library

Conference Room


Coworking Space

Dagbreek Heroes

This section is dedicated to those who have lent a helping hand in our Centre through giving insights, assistance or donations.

“Autism can be a beautiful thing if we take the time to understand it.” – Stuart Duncan

Our Purpose

To be an autism therapy centre of excellence, offering high-quality interventions and support programmes for children, parents and the community.

Core Values









Sustainable Growth

Community Development



A hairdresser with experience in working with children with autism can make a significant difference by creating a positive environment through recognising sensory sensitivities and understanding triggers.


Physiotherapists assess children’s movement patterns and work on activities and exercises that assist in improving strength, flexibility, physical function and sensory integration to help the child regulate sensory input for physical activities.


Kinderkineticists can assist with gross motor development through a tailored gross motor skill development programme focusing on elements like coordination, balance, body awareness and proprioceptive input.


A paediatrician serves as a central figure in the care team for a child with autism, providing diagnostic assessments, coordinating referrals, monitoring development and managing medical aspects.


Dentistry is an important routine for parents or caregivers to ensure good oral health and to prevent oral hygiene issues from an early age.

Occupational Therapy

Pediatric OTs utilize a sensory integration-based approach to help children and families identify and address specific challenges.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapists promote language development through communication skills assessments and assisting in the development of specific language skills.

Educational Psychology

Educational Psychologists are often involved in the assessment and diagnosis of learning differences and developmental challenges.

Social Services

Social services play a vital role in supporting both children with autism and their parents by providing a range of assistance, resources, and guidance.

Coworking Space

Per request, our coworking space is available for Dagbreek parents who wish to utilise the space at an hourly fee.

“Everyone has a mountain to climb and autism has not been my mountain, it has been my opportunity for victory” – Rachel Barcellona

Multidisciplinary Team

By working in a multidisciplinary team, we can conduct comprehensive evaluations and assessments to provide a holistic understanding of each child’s needs.

Shemoné Bokhary

Get started

There is a 3 step process to get
started at our program.

Complete Contact Form

Schedule An Assessment Date

Discuss Intervention Plan

Contact Info

Contact us with any inquiries or questions:

9 Witteklip Road, Vredenburg, West Coast, 7380


General Enquiries / Donations / Collaborations:

Payment Queries:

Bookings / Therapy: